Care Concept has been a specialist in international health since 1999. The corporate culture is based on Christian values.
Honesty, reliability and quality are the be-all and end-all for you in dealing responsibly with customers, partners and employees. Care Concept specializes in health insurance for short to medium-term stays abroad.
Care Concept is one of the leading insurers in Germany for people who come to Germany and need health insurance.
As a student in Germany you need good health insurance. This also applies to doctoral students, language students and participants in pre-university language courses. Since it is always possible to get sick or have an accident, which can be very expensive, it is a legal requirement to have health insurance for your stay. The Care Student is an optimal health insurance that is recognized by the German authorities.
Students in Germany:
If you want to enroll as a student at a German university or college, you must prove that you have adequate health insurance coverage.
Care Student was developed precisely for this purpose: It offers students of German universities all the advantages of private health insurance - and at a lower price compared to student health insurance from statutory health insurance.
The best thing about Care Student: For students, pupils or interns, Care Student offers insurance cover when visiting your home country or traveling - plus unlimited insurance cover in other European countries and up to four weeks per insurance year outside of Europe.
For students, interns or participants in pre-university further education courses in Germany:
Prospective students who take part in pre-university language courses, complete an internship or attend a preparatory college to prepare for their studies, as well as boarding school and doctoral students can take out comprehensive health insurance cover with Care Student.
The following services are included in this tariff:
✔ Outpatient treatment by a doctor
The costs are reimbursed up to 2.3 times the fee rate according to the German fee schedule for doctors / dentists (GOÄ/GOZ).
✔ Inpatient treatment in a hospital (standard care class - shared room - no optional services) and delivery
✔Outpatient rehabilitation measures max. 20 days of treatment
✔ Patient transport to the nearest suitable doctor or hospital, 100% covered
✔ Prescription drugs and dressings, 100% covered (if the same active ingredient is used, one of the three cheapest drugs must be chosen)
✔ Remedies 100% covered
✔ Medical aids prescribed by doctors (analogous to the list of aids of the GKV), 100% covered. Visual aids not included.
✔ Medically prescribed outpatient psychotherapeutic treatment at 70% (max. 50 sessions per calendar year)
✔ Pregnancy checks and treatment; birth
✔ Dental treatment is paid 100% up to 500 euros and thereafter 50% per calendar year.
✔. Dentures and orthodontics are reimbursed at 50% up to 500 euros per calendar year.
✔ Insurance coverage within Europe Insurance protection in the home country / third country
-Unlimited insurance coverage in Europe
✔ A daily hospital allowance of €25 per day (max. 20 days per calendar year) is charged for medically necessary inpatient treatment (from the 15th day).
✔ There is a clawback allowance of €1500 (for hospitalization of at least 14 days and subsequent incapacity for work) with subsequent incapacity for work (at least 90 days in total).
✔Once the maximum insurance period of 60 months or the maximum age of 35 years has been reached, you will continue to be insured under the KVS1 plan of HanseMerkur Krankenversicherung AG without the need for a further medical examination. This also applies if you break off your studies but should continue to stay in Germany.
The plan provides for a general deductible of 300 euros per calendar year. If coverage does not begin on January 1 of a calendar year, the deductible is reduced by 1/12 for each uninsured month.
This plan was designed for students at state, state-accredited, or private universities. Foreigners can use Care Student to ensure that they carry out training or further education courses at recognized universities and institutions.
Potential students enrolled in pre-university language courses etc., as well as graduate students and boarding students are also affected by this reporting. The insured person must be at least 12 years old and not older than 34 years at the beginning of the insurance cover. The policyholder, i. H. The contract holder, must at least